

I don’t pretend to be good at writing these things; it’s probably why I don’t blog as often as I really should. Each year when I do my retrospective I wish I could properly articulate how my work and my couples make me feel.

It’s a joy to photograph such incredible people with hearts of gold, to spend my days looking through my camera searching for love and human connection and finding it in abundance.

2018 really was a beautiful year. It was honestly filled with glorious people; places & moments (more than I can count) and it also marked 10 years for me in business, crazy huh? I’ve literally now photographed over 300 weddings!!

Good or bad none of what I do is possible without my wonderful couples. I’m forever grateful and thank you for sharing with me, laughing with me, trusting me and opening your hearts to me.

These images represent just some of the whirlwind last 12 months, and what I remember most is the laughter… lots and lots of laughter.

Enjoy Jx

retrospective Quarry Farm Wedding Barrett Lane wedding retrospective retrospective retrospective Indjinup wedding Perth wedding retrospective retrospective retrospective Perth wedding Perth wedding retrospective Perth wedding Barrett Lane wedding retrospective Yoothamurra Homestead Wedding Perth wedding retrospective Black Brewing wedding Quarry Farm Wedding retrospective Quarry Farm Wedding retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospectiveretrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective Perth wedding retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective Yoothamurra Homestead Wedding Perth wedding Barrett Lane wedding Black Brewing wedding retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective Quarry Farm Weddingretrospective Black Brewing wedding retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective retrospective Yoothamurra Homestead Wedding retrospective retrospective Quarry Farm Wedding Fremantle wedding Fremantle wedding


Merge 2018 Retrospective

You can also watch my 2018 Highlight reel here: https://www.mergephotography.com.au/admin/looking-back-on-2018/

And see more of my work here: https://www.instagram.com/mergephotography/